Getting out of your vehicle after being hit by another driver are the moments that can feel like slow motion. You may have been badly hurt, or just in a state of shock. Your car could be totaled, and now you have to deal with renting or buying a car so you can get to work. You may also have quite a list of daily responsibilities and have no energy left over to deal with the aftermath of a car accident. Because of everything you have to balance, it is strongly advised that you hire an attorney to support you and help you seek compensation from the at-fault driver.
However, in order to get the compensation you deserve, you must be able to present reliable evidence that shows the extent of your damages and loss. This can be harder to do if it’s only your word against the other driver’s. But, if you have the name and contact information for credible witnesses whose testimony supports your side of the story, then you are at increased odds of being awarded the funds you need to recover.
What details should I ask from the witness while at the scene?
Witnesses can be difficult to find later on if you do not gather their information while at the scene. It is also important that you get multiple forms of contact so that you are able to speak with them in the days to follow for an official statement. You do not have to request a statement from the witness while at the scene, as that may be too much to handle all at once. If you have hired an attorney to represent your car accident case, then he or she can reach out to the witness instead.
The details you must gather from potential witnesses before they leave the scene of crash include:
- First and last name
- Home phone number
- Cell phone number
- Home address
- Work address
- Form of contact of someone close to them, such as a husband, wife, or roommate
What questions should I ask a witness?
If you can get information from more than one witness, then certainly do so. It is possible that a witness may end up shying away from getting involved, or their story doesn’t end up supporting your case. Having more than one option for witnesses is ideal. Your car accident lawyer in Green Bay, WI can contact witnesses and ask questions such as:
- Where were you standing when the accident happened?
- At what point did you see the accident occur?
- What did you see and hear?
- Where were you coming and going from?
- Was there anything you noticed about the other driver and/or how they were operating their vehicle?
- Did you see the accident happen before or after the sound of a crash?
- At what point did you leave the scene?
- Did you speak with law enforcement or either driver?
- Did the other driver say anything to you?
Thanks to Hickey & Turim, SC for their insight into car accident claims and how witnesses can help.