Car Accident Lawyer
Many people assume that the injuries you sustain after a car accident likely show up immediately. You would probably expect to see things like bruising, swelling, cuts, a broken bone, and whiplash after you have been in a car accident. However, the injuries you should also be concerned about are the ones that are not presenting right away. In some cases, you may even walk away from a car accident thinking you did not get injured at all, when in fact your injuries just haven’t shown up. This can happen for many reasons, but attorneys know it’s important not to tell the insurance company or the other driver that you do not think you have sustained injuries. This is very important when it comes to protecting your legal rights.
There’s Often a Rush of Adrenaline
When you are in a car accident, your body may go into shock. When this happens, there is a rush of adrenaline. You might be trying to help other people, or you may be thinking you made it out without an injury. However, once this adrenaline wears off, you may begin to feel immense pain from bruising or internal injuries you didn’t even know you had. Signs of a concussion—a traumatic brain injury—may not even show up for a few days after the accident. Because you may not notice your injuries, it is tempting to brush the accident off and not speak with insurance. You may even choose not to go to the hospital.
Always Seek Medical Attention
One of the most important things you can do after a car accident, even if you don’t think you have sustained injuries, is to seek help from a medical professional. Physically, you look fine on the outside, but internal injuries you can’t even see can be fatal. When you go to a doctor’s office for your injuries, tell them you were in a car accident. Explain what happened, give them details on injuries you might consider minor, and let them know if your body came into contact with anything during the accident. They may want to run tests and x-rays to ensure no internal damage was done. If you do have injuries that crop up days later but you did not seek help from a doctor, the insurance company may not give you the compensation you deserve.
A Concussion After a Car Accident
One of the most common injuries after a car accident is a concussion. When you hit your head against something or if your body or neck is shaken, your brain can hit the side of your skull causing a concussion. Some of the most common symptoms to watch out for with a concussion are:
- Headaches
- Blurred vision
- Inability to focus
- Dizziness
- Nausea
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after a car accident, go to a doctor’s office right away.
Getting into a car accident can be scary, but you need to take care of your injuries—even if you don’t know you have them yet—as soon as possible. This will help with the recovery process and with your insurance claim. For more information about compensation after your accident, speak with a car accident lawyer now.