An important subsection of business litigation is defense against personal injury claims filed against businesses. Personal injury claims can be extremely expensive to defend against and can also damage a business’s relationships with its customers, causing additional financial strain. This is a particularly dangerous problem for small businesses where one personal injury lawsuit could put the business in jeopardy of financial ruin. This article addresses several things that small business owners can do to avoid personal injury lawsuits:
- Implement policies and procedures regarding what should happen in the event of an accident on the premises. Just as you do with your safety standards, codify for yourself and your employees what should happen in the event a customer is injured in your business. Use a standard injury form to record details about the incident, including names and contact information for any witnesses. Consider using surveillance cameras and draft policies for how long recordings will be kept and under what circumstances they will be reviewed and preserved. Having procedures in place will prevent you or your employees from panicking in the event of a customer injury and will put your business in the best position to refute fraudulent personal injury claims.
- Maintain a high standard of safety for your business. The best way to avoid personal injury lawsuits is to create an environment of safety and caution in your business. Make sure that you maintain your premises in good and safe condition. Make sure spaces are well lit and free of hazards. Clean up any spills immediately. Do not use cleaning products that make floors or other surfaces slippery. Maintain bathrooms and walkways in good working order.
- Implement policies and procedures to maintain your high safety standards. Hand-in-hand with making a safe environment for your customers is writing down and implementing policies and procedures for yourself or your employees regarding how to keep the environment safe. Implement regular safety and maintenance checks and verify that they are completed. Write down what you or your employees should do in the even of a ceiling leak or other water intrusion. Having standard policies will help you keep your business area safe for your customers and will also protect your business.
- Hire an attorney to evaluate your business. Perhaps the best thing you can do to avoid personal injury lawsuits is to consider consulting with a business lawyer Memphis, TN residents trust about potential vulnerabilities in your business operations. A qualified business attorney can review policies and procedures and make recommendations for improving your operations. A business attorney will also be able to offer you advice regarding safety standards that businesses are required to meet in your industry. Finally, a business attorney may recommend that you consider insurance against potential personal injury claims that can prevent financial risk in the event of a catastrophic injury on your property.
Remember, the best way to avoid personal injury lawsuits is to think ahead. Prepare for injuries before they happen. Consult with an attorney before you need to. Above all, make sure that your business is a safe and welcoming environment for your customers.
Thank you to our contributors at Patterson Bray, for the above information.