If you work in construction or in any industry that involves the modification of materials, you already know that you’ll encounter numerous dangers to your well-being and health. However, labor laws and legislation over time have held companies to adopt safety practices and to invest in equipment and tools that promote safety in the workplace.
Often though, you’ll get a greedy CEO who wants to save money by purchasing subpar equipment or by ordering employees to break the rules and cut corners on various practices that are meant to preserve the health of the worker. This often leads to exposure to various harmful toxins like lead, asbestos and silica. Once they’ve entered the bloodstream or respiratory system, they can cause severe to permanent damage to your physical health.
You could file for workers comp, but you can only receive so much in compensation. If you suspect or know of negligence on the part of the company, a personal injury attorney can advocate on your behalf to determine what kind of benefits you can get to better cover your damages especially if you’ve been permanently affected by the material exposure:
Temporary Disability: Compensation that simply covers your loss of income while you’re out of work and treating from the toxin exposure.
Coverage of Medical Treatment: Self-explanatory, this makes sure that all of your medical expenses are paid for.
Permanent Total Disability Benefits: The most comprehensive compensation, this reimbursement is applied in the very unfortunate circumstance that one is permanently damaged and afflicted by an exposure to a toxic chemical or other material. This compensation is necessary because this means that one is damaged for the remainder of his or her natural life and even after they leave the company, the person’s quality of life is forever changed and their abilities and health are permanently altered.
These are just a few types of compensation that a personal injury attorney could advocate for should you be eligible for it. There are several kinds that also vary from state to state, but to start your case you’ll need to first see a doctor. If you suspect yourself developing an abnormality in your health, then you should seek a medical professional to determine the cause, as an attorney, like a Personal Injury Attorney at personal injury lawyers of Long Island, NY can attest.
If the health provider concludes that a condition is developing partly or completely due to your participation at your job. Then seek a personal injury attorney to start the case and get regular samplings of the blood or afflicted area of your body. Your attorney will also investigate if the company is aware of these conditions developing in employees and whether or not they’ve committed to doing anything about it or if they are deliberately enabling this to happen.
With a strong case composed of the medical results and the investigative evidence, you should be able to mount a strong opposition to claim the compensation you deserve.