Product liability lawyers and wrongful death lawyers are currently reviewing cases regarding the Fisher Price Rock’n’ Play Sleeper lawsuits. If your child has been injured or has died after using a Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleep, a lawyer would likely like to speak with you as soon as possible.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission and toy company, Fisher Price, has released a warning about using the Fisher Price Rock’n’ Play Sleeper and have stated that it may be linked to injuries and deaths when the infant rolls over in the product. The CPSC has already been notified of at least ten deaths of infants who were in the product and rolled from their back to their stomach; thereby, suffocated and died. The infant deaths have occured since 2015, and the company knew about the potential hazard. Yet, the Rock n’ Play Sleeper remained on the market for several more years.
The CPSC has warned parents to discontinue the use of the sleeper as soon as the baby can roll over, or may exhibit the signs of being able to do so. Typically, this is around the time in which the baby is 3 months old. Safety agencies have also issued a warning about the product and advised parents to use special restraints to prevent the baby from rolling over. The product has recently been recalled and Fisher Price Rock’n’ Play Sleeper lawsuits are underway.
Fisher Price has acknowledged the infant fatalities; however, the company has stated they do not believe their product is the cause of them. Rather, they believe physical and mental health conditions were the cause of death, and that the product was not used according to the safety and warning manual.
More Deaths Have Been Reported
Although the CPSC has said they are aware of at least 10 deaths, a Consumer Reports investigation has claimed it is aware of at least 32 deaths. The investigation has cited that the deaths involve children who are less than 3 months of age. It also centers around undisclosed information by the CPSC and FIsher Price lawsuits, as well as, interviews with parents, medical examiners, and product safety engineers.
Some of the medical examiners have said that an infant should not be placed at an incline as it can encourage, or lead to, the child rolling over. Rather, a child should only be placed flat on it’s back and with no soft padding nearby. Not only does the product rest at an incline and has soft padding, but The Fisher Price Rock’n’ Play Sleeper does not recommend the advice given by the medical examiner.
Fisher Price Rock’n’ Play Sleeper Lawsuits
At this time, there are a number of Fisher Price Rock’n’ Play Sleeper lawsuits that have been filed throughout the U.S. If you believe this product caused your child to lose his or her life, or become injured, and you would like to learn more about the Fisher Price Rock’n’ Play Sleeper lawsuits, call a lawyer today.