Repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome are becoming more prevalent amongst people in the workforce who repetitively engage in the same type of motion all day long. Thankfully, workers have the benefit of accessing workers’ compensation for support. If you have received an injury such a carpal tunnel syndrome while on the job, it may be helpful to have a basic understanding of the details surrounding this type of injury.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve and the tendons that allow for your fingers to flex are compressed. Symptoms in the hand and wrist that result from this type of condition include:
- Pain
- Numbness
- Weakness
When it comes to carpal tunnel syndrome, there are many different factors that can cause this type of injury. However, often the underlying reason is from doing repetitive motions such as typing or using a cash register. Available treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome can include:
- Carpal Tunnel Release
- Steroid Injections
- Rest
- Splinting
It is common for many people to seek workers’ compensation as the above treatments can be rather pricey.
Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Classified as an Accident?
If an employee can prove that their injury was received while on the job, they have a legal right to seek damages for carpal tunnel syndrome. Proving that carpal tunnel syndrome was the cause of an injury that happened while at work can, at times prove to be a challenge.
- If you enjoy participating in an activity outside of work that could result in the same type of injury, you risk the possibility that your employer will not agree that the injury occured while you were on the job. They may actually argue that you were injured on your own time.
Classification of carpal tunnel syndrome can vary depending on the state where you reside.
Occupational Disease: You will need to prove that the work you do while on the job puts you at a greater risk for carpal tunnel syndrome than the average person. This will be required if your state recognizes carpal tunnel as an occupational disease.
Accident: You will need to be able to prove to the insurance company and a jury in court that the carpal tunnel diagnosis that you suffer from is the result of an accident at your place of employment and the fault of your employer.
A workers’ compensation lawyer such as the On The Job Injury Lawyer Hauppauge locals turn to may be in your best interest if you are considering pursuing a workers’ compensation lawsuit. They can help you determine the best way to move forward by going over the details of your case. With their guidance, they may be able to build a case that is favorable to you if they can convince the courts that you are entitled to compensation.
Thanks to authors at Polsky, Shouldice, & Rosen P.C. for their insight into Worker’s Compensation.