The 5 Common Causes of Car Accidents listed below focus on events involving driver error. Besides the causes listed below, there are other variables that may cause motor vehicle collisions, such as environmental factors, automobile malfunction or road conditions.
The first cause on our list of The 5 Common Causes of Car Accidents is inattentive driving. With the advent of smartphones and smart cars, the prevalence of distracted driving has only increased. Behaviors such as texting, checking the internet, or making phone calls, are all actions of inattentive driving that can lead to a serious accident.
Next on our list is driving too fast for conditions. Inclement weather, such as fog, rain, and snow, can have a severe impact on the conditions of the road. Careful drivers will make adjustments during these road conditions. However, driving too fast during these conditions may make braking and other maneuvers more difficult, thereby causing an accident to occur.
The next cause on our list of the 5 Common Causes of Car Accidents is following too closely to the car in front of you or tailgating. If you drive too closely to the vehicle in front of you, your reaction time may be reduced. If the car in front of you brakes suddenly while you were following too closely, you may not react in time to stop your vehicle from colliding into the vehicle in front of you.
One of the most important driving principles is the concept of who has the “right-of-way.” A failure to yield the right- of-way is one of the 5 Common Causes of Car Accidents. For example, a pedestrian on a crosswalk or making left-hand turns into oncoming traffic are common driving situations where drivers must yield the right-of-way. If a driver fails to yield the right-of-way in one of these scenarios, a serious collision may occur.
The last cause on our list is a driver’s failure to follow the appropriate traffic signs and signals. Stop lights, speed limit signs, one-way street signs, and stop signs are some of the most common signs you will encounter on the road. Failure to follow them appropriately may result in a serious accident.
The above 5 Common Causes of Car Accidents are important to keep in mind in order to be a safe, conscientious driver. However, in the event that you are involved in a car accident, please call an experienced Milwaukee WI personal injury lawyer to discuss your options.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Hickey & Turim, S.C. for their insight into common causes of car accidents.