Taking a boat out into the ocean or a lake is a unique kind of fun, which can be difficult to explain to those who have not experienced it. However, there are significant dangers involved in boating, especially in deep water. Despite this, many people hold themselves to a much lower standard of safety when using boats than they would while driving a car on the road. Perhaps the most telling of this low standard would be the frequency in which boat owners will operate their boat while drinking or otherwise under the influence. When a boat accident occurs, it can be a chaotic and confusing time for everyone involved, and can put people in serious danger.
Though boating laws vary depending on the state that the water is in, all boat owners should remain constantly alert while moving through the water as smaller boats or obstacles may not always be immediately obvious. If you are not paying attention, you could very well notice the smaller objects far to late to realistically avoid them. When an accident does occur, it is often due to negligent, careless, or reckless behavior on the part of the boat operator.
As a boating accident can be equally as severe as a car accident, it is crucial that they be treated as such. After the accident occurs, do anything you can to help the other boat involved and make sure that everyone is safe. If someone needs medical attention, contact the emergency services as soon as possible. Once everyone is safe and out of the water, call the police to receive a police report. The police will gather information from the scene their report can be used by the insurance company to help determine fault and compensation for damages.
Though many states do not require boat insurance, it is always a great idea to have it. Not having boat insurance puts yourself at high risk when accidents occur of being forced to shoulder the entire weight of damages and liability yourself.
After the accident, it is always a good idea to contact a skilled accident attorney in your area with experience in boating accidents. The kind of personal injury attorney Atlanta GA residents deserve may be able to help in this kind of accident. An attorney will be able to inform you of all your rights and represent you in any legal proceedings that may come as a result of the accident, and will make sure that you receive the compensation you need if you are the victim of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.