Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal injury cases can be complicated situations. Sometimes the rules on statute of limitations isn’t clear. Sometimes you aren’t sure what counts as damages that you can claim. Sometimes the insurance company simply refuses to pay you the compensation you’re owed. Knowing how to handle the insurance companies, when to file a claim and how to avoid major pitfalls is key in successfully getting your life back to normal. Here are three common questions about personal injury that can speed you toward recovery.
- What Should You Do After the Accident?
The most common mistakes can happen immediately following the accident when you are rattled and not thinking clearly. This is also when important steps need to be taken to ensure a smooth transition with insurance. Knowing to follow these guidelines will set you in good standing for a claim:
- Call the police
- Seek medical attention immediately (no later than 72 hours after the accident)
- Exchange information with the other person involved, including insurance
- Take pictures of the accident scene
- Ask for a copy of the police report
- Ask for statements from anyone who witnessed the accident
All of these can be used as evidence in your claim for proving who was at-fault, that your injuries were caused by the accident and other important factors.
- How Long Do You Have to File a Claim?
A lot of chaotic events can follow an accident, especially one that you’ve been injured in. It may be difficult finding the time to file your claim, but it is absolutely critical that you file sooner rather than later. All states have a statute of limitations that puts a deadline on your time to file. If you pass the deadline, you’ll be out of luck. The average timeline is two to six years, but some are only one year. Check with your state laws.
- Do You Need a Lawyer?
Contacting a lawyer for your personal injury claim can feel like a big step. You may not be sure if you really need the lawyer’s assistance, and you may be worried you don’t have the funds to pay for one. Fortunately, lawyers only take their fee once your claim is settled, and there is no case too little to see a lawyer. If anything, you can get a consultation appointment to see if you need one. Contact an attorney like a personal injury lawyer, at the law offices of Davis & Brusca, LLC, for more information, they can send you in the right direction and tell you what’s important in your case.